3 best Yoga stretches for Runners: (with pictures) !
My trainer, Willie helping me through my hamstring stretch. Is there anything better than yoga with dogs?
So I recently did an article for Active.com on my favorite yoga poses for runners. I love to run, so these poses are a bit challenging for me but because many were commenting that they wanted to see pictures of the poses (makes total sense), I braved it…out in the cold New England weather with my large high-energy puppy, Willie to bring you some “magazine style” rockin yoga photos. Featured in this post are the 3 poses I did for my article, 3 Best yoga poses for runners, where you will find all the descriptions, but don’t fret, my trainer, Willie and I will be back out to bring you more so stay tuned!
Quad stretch against wall. PS, must be done with a serious magazine face.
Fallen warrior
Fallen warrior from a fancy angle
Remember to breathe!
One more for good luck, and to try and get that front leg straighter.
and finally...hamstring stretch with strap.
Hamstring stretch part 2 in the leaves to mix things up.
Please stay tuned for more fun to come from this Nutritious Yogi and her dog!
Special thanks to my photographer, Karen Carmody of Carmody Consulting
Namaste peeps!