Eat-Poop-Love Presents: What I learned from my dog!
"What no pork chop? I love you anyway." Dogs teach us how to stay present, disciplined, and enthusiastic on a daily bases. Most of all though, they teach us how to love.
Eat, poop, love. Is there anything else? Having a dog sure changes a person. Willie Pickles, a lab/pitt mix, was born last of 9 puppies in August 2011, and though he doesn't know it, he helped get me through the hardest time of my life.
Yoga is damn important and should be done as often as it needs to be!
Eat coconut oil for its amazing anti-bacterial, thermogenic, anti-fungal, and other health-boosting benefits!
Do something once a day that you're afraid of. It will be worth it!
Indulge a bit! And when you do, don't feel guilty about it, just enjoy it!
Understand that sometimes, you're going to make mistakes.
Be a good sport! (that's Willie during karaoke night playing the part of the aloof ex-lover) Had to share!
Sending love to pet families near and far. Dogs & cats do so much for us, let's keep them healthy and happy!
Love, Karen & Willie
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