What does Nutritious Yogi think of the juice cleanse?
There are certainly pros and cons to everything you do in the world of nutrition. Juice Vs Smoothie is the question I get almost all the time.
So what do I think of the juice cleanse??
I recently did a poll with my nutrition clients about true wellness that asked.. "If you can ask any health-related question at all, what would it be?"
This one took the cake...(and all the fiber along with it)..opps, did I give it away?
Last month, I was excited to be interviewed for a popular health & fitness blog and there was that question again... "Karen, what do you think of juice cleanses?"
My response to this always comes in two parts because it's important to fairly weigh the pros and cons.
My response, which i pretty much have memorized since I'm asked it so many times goes something like this....
Juicing is wonderful, especially if they're made with mostly veggies, superfoods, & fresh or frozen organic fruits because it's a great vehicle to get quick nutrition to the cells. However…dun dun DUN……… for many clients, the fasting component to the juice cleanse can be dangerous since it's usually done with the intent of weight loss, which can be a slippery slope since a long term, sensible way of eating has not been established. This leads to only short term results, and the weight is usually gained back quickly. My suggestion is always to do a longer term program that temporarily eliminates inflammatory foods ie, sugar, processed carbohydrates, caffeine, meats, alcohol, and dairy products. Simple veggies, some fruits, (sometimes whole food concentrates) are used to fill in the nutrition gaps as the body cleanses from the inside out. This is when true purification of the body begins at a physical level, while it gives you the space to truly change your relationship with food.
I'm a blender by nature
...with the exception of a few therapeutic plans (cancer therapy) where I would endorse juicing) because I like to get the fiber, and because the nutrients are released much slower into the system. This helps control insulin levels which have a profound effect on every system of the body. Plus, it's sooooo much easier to clean up which means you'll do it more often.
If you like juices, but don't want to use a juicer, one of my favorite green juices to make in the vitamix is my Green Mule energy drink (some call it the green bull). I make this many mornings since it's filled with detoxifying veggies, herbs, and fresh fruit with all the fiber. Perfect jump-start to your day as an alkalizing energy & immune system booster as well as a nice dose of vitamins and minerals.
Cut to.....
Have you downloaded my new recipe pdf, Sexy smoothies for Hippy Athletes yet? What in the world are you waiting for?
The 10 Day Vitality program is finally here. Click for info!
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